

Bring Harmony Into Your Home

They say that homes are our sanctuary; a place of peace, repose and safety. If you are fed up of the chaos, the noise, the mess and need a 'spring clean' of Feng Shui this could just be for you. This article will outline ways to bring harmony into your home for sound piece of mind.
 Feng Shui is the Chinese ancient art that teaches us how to arrange furniture and parts of our home to bring us peace, health prosperity and comfort. This will ultimately improve our lives and although many of us do not adhere to these traditions there are plenty of tips available that can bring some instant peace to your household.
 The number one negativity is mess; clutter, disorganization and stands in your way of creating harmony. Getting rid of unnecessary clutter and rubbish from your work tops, the floors, the piles of paperwork in the study; it's time to get organised. Getting organised will bring you out of confusion and irritation and navigate towards order and understanding. Everything should have its place in the home and you will feel and your home will look much better with everything in its proper place.
 Displaying pictures of nature is calming to the eye and good for the soul. Pictures of flowers, landscapes or birds set a peaceful tone to the room and can be used for reflective quiet time. On the other hand bright loud cityscapes or ships sailing in black storms have the opposite effect and bring tension. They say that painting a room in too many colors disrupts the energy of a room. A room can be colorful and bright; however the colors should complement and blend well together. Pinks are traditionally calming shades, other prefer darker softer earth tones and greens. Loud colors such as red may not be calming; however it depends on the context of the room.
 Keeping a TV out of the bedroom will focus the energy of the room towards purpose; a place of rest and sleep. Noise of the television is distracting and without it you can remain calm and channel your energy to peaceful thoughts. Having harsh lighting in your home causes discomfort and distraction. Opting for the choice of dim lighting and soft lighting encourages relaxation. It's not good to go too far down the dark alley as light is healthy and promotes happiness and peace; a balance is needed.
 Not combining work life with home life will ultimately help you separate your energy and well-being. You shouldn't sleep where you work nor work where you sleep. Do what you can to keep this separate, having separate rooms if possible.

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